The parents are the first teachers in the areas of faith development and morality. Catholic educators build upon the foundation laid by parents and support the child in faith formation. One of the ways in which teachers help children to develop a spiritual relationship with God is through direct instruction in Religion. Religion is formally taught 30 minutes per day 4 days a week using programs written by the National Office of Religious Education of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB). The programs are as follows:
Born of the Spirit Catechetical Series (K-6) offers a progressive presentation of the basic content of our Catholic faith. It enables the children to grow in relationship with the Holy Trinity and to recognize their role as witnesses of Christ.
Cycle One: Kindergarten to Grade 3: Celebrate the Wonder of God
- Kindergarten: In God's Image
- Grade 1: We Belong to God
- Grade 2: We Belong to the Lord Jesus
- Grade 3: In the Spirit We Belong
Cycle Two: Years 4 to 6: Discover the challenges of believing in the Lord
- Grade 4: Come and See
- Grade 5: May We Be One
- Grade 6: You Shall Be My Witnesses
We are Strong Together Catechetical Series (7-9) builds on the foundation provided by the Born of the Spirit Series. It invites and assists young learners to nurture their relationship with God in and through Christ within the context of a Catholic Christian community.
- Grade 7: Believe in Me
- Grade 8: Stand by Me
"People brought little children to Him, for Him to lay His hands on them and say a prayer. The disciples turned them away but Jesus said, 'Let the little children alone, and do not stop them coming to me, for it is to such as these that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs'."